The Secrets of Headhunters.  

Think Like a Headhunter - Interview Like an Executive


Super Charge Your Search

Think Like a Headhunter -Network with the people who can hire you. Compete in this market by acting like your own headhunter. Sharpen your messaging, and land the interviews the way the pros do it. 

Interview Like an Executive - Learn how to interview by an interview coach who works with C-Suite executives. You don't have to be an executive to start acting like one. Learn to impress and land the job. 

Stop Waiting - Start Winning

Is your resume getting you nowhere? It may be hurting you.

STOP leading with a resume that doesn't do you justice. 

STOP relying on a resume that isn't working - even if it was professionally written. It may look good, but if it isn't working, it isn't working. 

STOP waiting. This isn't Disney world. Waiting in long lines will eventually result in a trip around 'It's a Small World' but waiting doesn't help when facing unemployment.

STOP waiting for something good to happen. It is up to you to make it happen. 

When you wait, someone else is hired. Don't let that happen to you. 

Standing Out in Today's Highly Competitive Job Market

Hundreds of applicants for the same job? SO WHAT? Do not let that discourage you. Learn what to do when the odds look insurmountable. Learn why employers can't afford to hire 'just anyone'. If you act like everyone else, have a resume that looks like everyone else, and use the same messaging that everyone else is using - you have established that you are 'just anyone'. 

Use your unique messaging to convey your unique value. Don't be 'just anyone'. You are better than that. 

How to Think Like a Headhunter

You Need to Change 

Everything has changed. Don't believe me? Then why are your efforts failing? When everything changes, you need to change too. Change your approach, your messaging, and your attitude toward the pickle you find yourself in. 

Think Like a Headhunter

No Insanity Here. 

The definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over hoping to achieve a different result. 

Frustrated? Angry? Depressed? Turn Negative Energy Into a Positive Force.

If you need a job, you don't have time for negative emotions. Go ahead and be angry - not with the market, but with yourself for caving in. You are better than this. You are better than all of them. Act like it. If you are looking for questions and answers on line, you've already lost. Look within. Analyze your work history, learn how to message yourself. Think outside of yourself, and your needs. Use proven influence techniques to win the job, and fix your life. 

Learn to Think Like a Headhunter

Why Your Resume Fails You

Keywords. Nobody cares about keywords anymore. That is so 2020. If you load your resume with the same keywords that everyone else is using, you will end up in the same pile as everyone else. Keywords worked when you were the only one using them. Now it's old hat, you need more. 

Learn to write a resume that reflects who you are. Dig deep, bring your unique message to life. If your resume isn't working, trash it. Don't waste another moment using something that doesn't do you justice. Employers don't want keywords, they need key actions. 

Waiting for a Job Offer, Only to Find Out - You Were Second Place? 

Stop interviewing like everyone else. Be yourself. Win them over, not with pat answers, but with answers that express your unique value. 

Learn to interview using a compelling and proven interview technique that impresses employers. Close the interview with a job offer, not an offer to wait in line. 

How to Interview Like an Executive