You Have Options 

Have things changed? 

Schedule a consultation

Your Options


Step Up

Learn new leadership skills

Champion a positive psychology High-Performance Culture 

Improve Engagement

Coach your team to performance


Step Back

Become a better leader

Lead with strengths

Understand how to influence 

Learn new techniques

Set the example



Step Aside 

Is it time to move on? 

Tell Your Story

Career Review 

  •  The Program Includes
  •  strategy session
  • Weekly sessions
  • On call 
  • High Performance leadership tools.
  • Videos and exercises.

Strategies for: 

  • Managing up and down the line. 
  • Horizontal management
  • Creating a trusting environment
  • Teaching them to think
  • Establishing your team
  • Understanding expectations
  • Communicating a vision
  • Communication
  • Creating Influence
  • Preparing for meetings
  • Culture adaptation
  • Creating alliances
  • Eliminating cross generational alliances
  • Understanding the players
  • Getting things done
  • Focusing on what's important
  • Creating culture change
  • Handling sudden change


Create a Strategy  

Your new role is a chance to start over. The right way. 

The first 90 days of establishing yourself as a leader means that you must hit the ground running with an organized plan for leadership. 

The organization that you are stepping into has it's own culture, values, and landmines to avoid. It's all old news to current employees, but new to you. 

Leaders don't wait to be told. You can't wait for others. And, you have one chance to get this right. 

There are no do-overs. 


Create a Strategy 

If you are interested in discussing your situation, schedule strategy session with Barb.  We'll discuss your situation and possible steps forward. 

Schedule a Consultation